6 Must-Have Preventative Health Programs for Insurers and Wellness Providers

It can be difficult to choose the best preventative health programs for your clients. Check out our top 6 selections to get started!
As a health insurer or wellness provider, it’s vital to incorporate preventative health programs into your corporate wellness strategy. For employers, these preventative health programs reduce medical expenses, improve workplace productivity, and encourage employees to adopt healthier behaviors that will reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases. While there are many preventative health programs available, we’ve listed the 6 top selections that we believe every wellness solution should include.
1. Mental Health
According to Nami, 1 in 5 adults experienced mental illness in 2018. While corporate wellness management tends to focus on physical and nutritional health, poor mental health can have an extremely significant impact on an individual’s physical, social, and financial life. It’s also associated with chronic physical illnesses like diabetes and heart disease.
Tools to Get Support - Privately
In recent years, there have been numerous campaigns to raise awareness about mental health to help overcome negative stigma and to encourage those struggling to speak out and get the support they need. People are speaking up; however, there are still many that want support but prefer to get it privately. This is where video-based mental wellness resources like Healbright can help. Participants can access hundreds of videos let by mental health professionals on a variety of mental health topics - all accessible when and where people need it.
Another great preventative health program that can assist with mental health is MindWell-U. MindWell-U provides evidence-based mindfulness training and practice, which can reduce stress, increase resilience, and improve workplace performance. Practicing mindfulness is a fantastic mental exercise. When practiced routinely, it can yield significant benefits for one’s mental health.
Mindfulness instructor Jeena Cho says, “The practice of mindfulness and meditation has been around for thousands of years but has gained interest in the business world primarily because we now have the ability to do the one thing that was never possible before - see how these practices change the wiring and the makeup of our brains.”
2. Financial Wellness
According to Everyday Health’s United States of Stress Survey, finances are the top common source of everyday stress. That’s why, as the HR Executive notes, just over half (53%) of employers now offer financial wellness programs.
A worthwhile program to help your clients' employees improve their financial wellness is KOFE (Knowledge of Financial Education), a product of Consolidated Credit. The program combines coaching and technology to help individuals achieve and maintain financial stability. KOFE offers a multimedia program that includes interactive courses, videos, budgeting tools, and one-on-one financial coaching. Read how to Help Employees Deal with the Other ‘F’ Word - Financial Wellness.
ProFinancial Health also offers an easy-to-use, adaptive and personalized digital Financial Wellness platform that includes interactive calculators, a suite of games, articles, a peer-to-peer and peer-to-expert Q&A forum and an optional chat feature so participants can ask questions via live chat.
3. Health Assessments
The purpose of a health assessment is to help individuals understand the state of their personal health. Health assessments can, therefore, identify health-risks that individuals should consider acting on to improve their wellbeing. When your clients' employees have a clear understanding of the state of their wellbeing, it can serve as a great motivator and help boost participation and engagement in workplace wellness programs.
CoreHealth offers an out-of-the box lifestyle questionnaire as part of it’s wellness platform and integrates with third-party health assessment vendors such as the University of Michigan (the most scientifically validated health risk assessment in the field), Pro-Change (NCQA-Certified Behavior Change Program) and MindQ (mental health assessment) - all part of our integrated partner network.
Check out How Employee Health and Well-being Programs are Using HRAs blog article. Read the difference between a Health Risk Assessment vs. a Health Risk Appraisal.
4. Health Coaching
A health coach is a guide and ally for your clients' employees. Not only can they help identify current health issues, they also provide assistance to transform health goals into realities. Health coaches play a vital role in holding individuals accountable for healthy behaviors.
When it comes to health coaching, you likely have a lot of questions. To help you with your research, check out the Complete Introduction to Employee Health Coaching which provides information about:
- A Case for Employee Health Coaching
- Why is Health Coaching Important?
- What is Health Coaching?
- How Does Health Coaching Work?
- What Sets Health Coaching Apart?
- Does Employee Health Coaching Really Work?
- Who is Health Coaching For?
- Getting Started with Coaching
- How Much Does Health Coaching Cost?
- Finding The Right Health Coach (with a list of the Top Employee Health Coaches)
5. Stress Management
Since stress is a key factor impacting an individual’s mental health, many forward-thinking wellness solutions include stress management support. This is a vital area to put resources into since over 75% of physical ailments are stress-related.
When it comes to stress management, SelfHelpWorks also offers on-demand, digital Cognitive Behavioral Training (CBT-based) interventions that include stress management programs.
6. Health Content and Education
In terms of health education, it’s vital that your clients' participants are given correct and accurate information. The information should come from a reliable source that is evidence-based and easy to understand.
The American Institute for Preventative Medicine is an award-winning provider of such educational content, with extensive resources on a wide variety of topics to help your clients’ employees on their health and wellness journeys.
Another option is HealthFeed which delivers contextually specific, targeted and member-specific text and video-based educational content to engage and inform participants about their specific health conditions making the content personal and directly relevant to his/her needs.
Implementing preventative health programs in the workplace has significant benefits for both employees and employers. Not only are employees healthier and happier, but employers have a more productive workforce and can save considerably on healthcare costs. To offer the most value with your preventative health programs, we recommend you focus on mental health, financial wellness, health assessments, health coaching, stress maintenance, and health content and education.
If you’re interested in working these 6 must-have programs into your offerings, contact us. CoreHealth works with the top preventative health programs via our wellness management software. We can help you create custom wellness programs that will benefit your clients.
About CoreHealth Technologies
CoreHealth Technologies Inc. is a total well-being technology company trusted by global providers and employers to power their health and wellness programs. Our wellness portals help maximize health, engagement and productivity for 3.5 + million employees worldwide. We believe people are the driving force of organizations and supporting them to make behavior changes to improve employee health is in everyone’s best interest. With the most flexibility, customizations and integrations of any software in its class, CoreHealth’s all-in-one wellness platform helps grow great wellness companies. Simple to sophisticated, based on you. For more information, visit the CoreHealth website or YouTube Channel.

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Your Friends in Health at CoreHealth
CoreHealth by Carebook's Health and Wellness Team works hard to bring our readers informative and research validate health and well-being blog articles and resources that support your workplace wellness culture and wellness technology purchase decision.