4 Ways Remote Teams Can Maintain a Strong Workplace Culture

Check out these 4 ways organizations can promote a strong workplace culture for remote employees.
Based on data provided by the CDC, more than 124 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been delivered, with more following in the weeks to come. As the world reopens to a ‘new normal’, most businesses anticipate returning to full-scale operations.
With established organizations like Facebook, Microsoft, Salesforce, Amazon, and Google having adopted long-term remote work, many businesses are expected to follow suit, as revealed by a survey conducted by Gartner. According to Enterprise Technology Research chief engagement strategist Erik Bradley, “The productivity metric is proving that remote work is working. So we all thought that there would be some increase in permanent remote work, but we didn’t expect that to double from pre-pandemic levels.”
Why Remote Workplace Culture is Important
As many as 94% of executives believe that workplace culture is important for the success of their business. Employees who feel valued at work are happier and are more willing to contribute to achieving the company’s goals and missions. Given this data, however, it is surprising that employees feel a disconnect with their company’s culture, as shown below:
How to Maintain a Strong Workplace Culture for Your Remote Workers
Whether you are hiring new workers or shifting to remote work, you must ensure that your employees remain engaged and committed to your goals. How do you make sure employees will not be disengaged once you finalize long-term remote work or adopt a hybrid work schedule? Establish a set of shared goals, attitudes, and values. Here are some ways to do that.
1. Practice Onboarding
Remote onboarding will be more critical than ever, as it’s your organization’s chance to incorporate company values from day one. Since new hires will not have the opportunity to integrate into the company’s office culture, a supportive onboarding process can help identify whether the employee will be a good fit - and form the foundation of a good working relationship for those who are.
The onboarding process can vary in length, depending on the company’s maturity and how complicated the role of the new hire will be. Your HR team can craft an onboarding framework to make new hires feel they are part of the team, even when working remotely.
2. Maintain Open Communication
Perhaps one of the greatest difficulties organizations will face when it comes to handling remote teams will be communication. With different people working in different locations and time zones, the communication exchange is not as direct. There can be delays in response times, which can significantly affect workflow.
One workaround for this is to “communicate” your company standards. For teams with different working times, setting a standard response time frame—or a communication window when everyone can be online—should help reduce downtime and improve the communication process.
Memos and newsletters inform everyone about recent company updates, including what other departments are working on. Try involving staff directly in the progress of the company through regular updates, involvement in meetings, and opportunities to shape company growth through their work
A company survey can also encourage employees to open up about what the business can do better about the current culture—but make sure to act upon it. Using the right technology, project management software, and communication channels can also help remote teams stay in the loop.
3. Company-Wide Initiatives
Remote workers need to feel they are valued members of their organization. To help, companies can support company-wide initiatives, such as retreats, training, and seminars. Make these frequent events in your workplace calendar. Not only will they promote your company culture, but they’ll also increase employee engagement and help prevent employee burnout.
Taking the initiative to educate employees about work-life balance is critical. While it may be ideal to have them logging extra hours, it isn’t healthy. In the long run, there will be a loss in productivity and damage the way they feel about your business. Utilizing an all-in-one corporate wellness platform gives organizations the technology, tools, and flexibility to make employees’ health and wellness a priority. CoreHealth's wellness technology can connect your workforce through chat features and challenge boards, all the while providing your employees with the tools to develop healthy behaviors.
4. Continue Evolving Your Workplace Culture
Your workplace culture should be agile. Employees change, business functions evolve, and trends will come and go. Your workplace culture should also continuously improve to match your employees’ needs and your company’s goals. Developing a workplace culture is a continuous process. Pay attention and dedicate time to ensure it remains relevant.
In summary, fostering a strong workplace culture starts the moment you onboard your employees. Promoting it through open communication, company-wide initiatives, and continuous improvement will ensure that your remote team stays engaged and in sync with your company goals.
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About CoreHealth Technologies
CoreHealth Technologies Inc. is a total well-being technology company trusted by global providers to power their health and wellness programs. Our wellness portals help maximize health, engagement and productivity for 3+ million employees worldwide. We believe people are the driving force of organizations and supporting them to make behavior changes to improve employee health is in everyone’s best interest. With the most flexibility, customizations and integrations of any software in its class, CoreHealth’s all-in-one wellness platform helps grow great wellness companies. Simple to sophisticated, based on you. For more information, visit the CoreHealth website.

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Your Friends in Health at CoreHealth
CoreHealth by Carebook's Health and Wellness Team works hard to bring our readers informative and research validate health and well-being blog articles and resources that support your workplace wellness culture and wellness technology purchase decision.