The Importance of Digital Wellness Micro-Learning for Busy Employees

Curious about introducing digital wellness micro-learning programs for your employees? Here’s a quick 5 minute read to get you in the know.
While work-life balance is one of the top things that employees look at when considering a job offer, 77% of workers still experience burnout, and more than half of them experience it more than once.
The Workplace Burnout Survey by Deloitte found that 91% of employees dealing with extreme stress levels report a negative impact on their work quality and said it has also significantly affected their personal relationships.
Due to the “always-on” work culture, it has become even more challenging for organizations to persuade their employees to participate in corporate initiatives to ensure their overall well-being. That’s why wellness programs that involve four-hour workshops have poor attendance.
Burnout leads to poor participation and low engagement rates, so organizations must pursue wellness initiatives. The benefits to the employees and the organization itself far exceed the associated challenges.
So, how can organizations ensure their employees realize the importance of wellness programs? Introduce micro-learning sessions.
What are Micro-Learning Sessions?
Also known as micro training, a micro-learning session is a method of reorganizing content to make it concise and easy to digest. Information is broken down into small tidbits that take no more than five minutes to digest. Often delivered digitally, these files can be presented in various creative ways, such as audio, video, listicles, how-to-guides, and short summaries.
Micro-learning sessions can be offered through a learning management system (LMS) or incorporated in a tech-based wellness platform so employees can quickly take a break to choose topics they find relevant for their needs.
Benefits of Micro-Learning for Busy Employees
Here’s why it’s important to incorporate digital wellness micro-learning in your corporate initiatives:
1. It Effectively Engages Employees
Whether on-site or remote, digital wellness micro-learning sessions encourage employees to participate. They don’t have to set aside a considerable amount of their time to join a lengthy session. All they have to do is open their wellness platform and choose the topics they want to learn, and they can be done within five minutes—or even less. For some employees, it’s an effective way to help them detach from work and focus on their personal improvement.
2. It Encourages Information Retention
Wellness training sessions are only beneficial if employees retain the information so they can apply it to the different aspects of their well-being: mental, emotional, or financial.
Most people have the forgetting curve, wherein they lose 70% of the data they learn in a day. Employees with heavy workloads can forget information. Subjecting them to lengthy training sessions will not help.
Micro-learning programs with short yet impactful messaging, delivered more frequently, can encourage employees to apply what they learn, retain the information, and eventually make it part of their daily life.
3. It Requires Little Time Investment
Organizations value the time their employees spend working. With the usual corporate training methods, having employees attend long sessions can eat into their time. In most cases, employees who attend these workshops feel tired and less productive after trying to process a mass of information, which often contains irrelevant data. With digital micro-learning sessions, they can get the data they need within minutes.
4. It Offers Customized Consumption
It’s often challenging for big organizations to gather all their employees at one given time. Not only does this cause disruption in their processes, but there may also be costs associated with organizing the event.
Micro-learning sessions do not require the organization of big events. Instead, employee wellness programs, such as CoreHealth's, can introduce daily micro-learning sessions on the same user interface where employees log their daily activities, access their benefits, and partake in digital coaching. To increase engagement with micro-learnings, they need to be readily available when the employee is ready to learn and speak on topics that are relevant to the employee's state of well-being.
As organizations work towards improving their employee wellness offerings, digital wellness micro-learning is one investment they should focus on to maximize the benefits of employee wellness programs. Not only will this allow them to meet their participation goals, but it will help organizations improve their employees’ lives. This leads to better morale in the workplace, improved productivity, and increasing the company’s bottom line.
Contact us to learn how digital wellness micro-learning can improve your corporate initiatives.
About CoreHealth Technologies
CoreHealth Technologies Inc. is a total well-being company trusted by global companies to power their health and wellness programs. Our wellness portals help maximize health, engagement, and productivity for 3+ million employees worldwide. We believe people are the driving force of organizations and supporting them to make behavior changes to improve employee health is in everyone’s best interest. With the most flexibility, customizations, and integrations of any software in its class, CoreHealth’s all-in-one wellness platform helps achieve great wellness outcomes. Simple to sophisticated, based on you. For more information, visit the CoreHealth website.

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Your Friends in Health at CoreHealth
CoreHealth by Carebook's Health and Wellness Team works hard to bring our readers informative and research validate health and well-being blog articles and resources that support your workplace wellness culture and wellness technology purchase decision.