Today I was reading CNN news (perhaps fake) that in spite of city officials restricting water consumption in Cape Town, South Africa due to the impending water crisis (“Day Zero” being April 16 when the city will run out of water), almost half the people are ignoring the limit. What is with the human psyche today?
A New Perspective On How We Think of Wellness
What does this have with wellness you ask? Lot's I think as it shows a gap in concern for our world, our community and ourselves which carries into all facets of our lives. A large number of people seem to have no regard for self-preservation.%20in%20Lake%20County,%20Illinois,%20USA.jpeg?width=320&name=Prairie%20marsh%20in%20springtime,%20Moraine%20Hills%20State%20Park%20(formed%20by%20glaciers)%20in%20Lake%20County,%20Illinois,%20USA.jpeg)
What is this indicative of? This would be a fascinating human study. Some questions that come to mind are:
- Are people just not believing authority predictions?
- Are the officials not communicating the severity properly?
- Have authorities cried wolf too often?
- Is the media being truthful about the impending disaster or are they embellishing the story to improve readership?
- Have the people not thought through the implications to them?
- Are people disillusioned in thinking this won’t affect them? (Maybe just everyone else)
- They’ve been mollycoddled so much they assume it’s someone else’s problem to fix?
- Do they just not care?
Personal Well-being and Self-Preservation
Now turn this into well-being. We know that over 2/3 of people are either overweight or obese which puts them at higher risk of many types of disease, mostly chronic and fatal. Now ask that same list of questions in regard to wellness to the general population.
Perhaps the answer(s) will be the same to many questions – whether it’s regarding the environment, their community or their personal health.
About CoreHealth Technologies
CoreHealth Technologies Inc. is the leading corporate wellness platform trusted by more than 1000 organizations, ranging from medium-sized businesses to Fortune 500 enterprises. At CoreHealth, we believe that developing the best employee wellness programs is all about giving wellness companies the right code, design and access to the latest innovations. With the most customization, integrations and reliability of any software in its class, CoreHealth’s powerful platform lets users focus on growing great companies. For more information, explore the CoreHealth website.