Bringing Powerful Health and Wellness Technology to an Important Wellness Market

Woman drawing on flowchart with sticky notes in bright office

Small and medium sized organizations make up a wellness market that needs the support of a reliable and experienced partner to take implementing a successful employee wellness program from vision to reality.

Handsome construction specialist with city drawing in background concept

It may be that you don’t have the internal resources or the budget to get your program set up. Or perhaps you need to bypass your staff’s learning curve to launch your wellness portal quickly or run a workplace wellness challenge. CoreHealth partner, Go Online Wellness, is a wellness company that provides customized solutions to meet these unique needs. 

Building on CoreHealth’s dynamic wellness platform, Go Online Wellness takes health and wellness technology a step further. As an exclusive partner of CoreHealth, they seamlessly implement and manage the platform and get clients up and running in record time, saving both time and money.

Providing a Diverse Range of Reliable Solutions

Go Online’s extensive knowledge of the CoreHealth wellness platform allows them to deliver expert service and support to help you get the most out this powerful engine.

Utilizing the flexibility of the platform, they assist with wellness program design and site set up and administration and offer a wide range of reliable and creative solutions such as:

  • Running workplace wellness challenges
  • Implementing comprehensive and engaging employee wellness programs
  • Creating interactive tools such as surveys and incentive tracking
  • Providing digital marketing solutions and content development

The options are endless depending on the particular needs of the customer.

Meeting Clients Where They Are

Go Online allows you to choose the features and support that meet your needs. Whether you wish to be completely hands-off and allow Go Online to handle day-to-day portal administration or you need assistance hosting a workplace wellness challenge or providing end-user support, the services are flexible and customizable and pricing is a la carte. Woman drawing on flowchart with sticky notes in bright office

According to MK Yeargin, Founder of Go Online Wellness:

“The flexibility of the platform lends itself to creative approaches to realize the vision our clients have. With the CoreHealth platform we are able to meet our clients where they are and get them to where they want to be with their wellness program.”

Always Innovating to Meet Changing Client Needs

Go Online is constantly evolving to adapt to the changing needs of their customers. Their experience with a wide range of clients across North America coupled with access to the wellness industry’s most powerful platform allows them to deliver customizable, comprehensive, and engaging online wellness tools to their clients.

Go Online is meeting a unique need in the wellness industry by giving small and medium sized businesses the ability to leverage the impressive health and wellness technology of the CoreHealth platform AND have the additional service and support for administration of their wellness programs.

This wellness market now has access to the tools and resources they need to reach their employee health and wellness goals.

Read Case Study:
Go Online

About CoreHealth Technologies

CoreHealth Technologies Inc. is the leading corporate wellness platform trusted by wellness providers for more than 1000 organizations, ranging from medium-sized businesses to Fortune 500 enterprises. At CoreHealth, we believe that developing the best employee wellness programs is all about giving wellness companies the right code, design and access to the latest innovations. With the most customization, integrations and reliability of any software in its class, CoreHealth’s powerful platform lets users focus on growing great companies. For more information, explore the CoreHealth website