It’s no surprise that younger generations are demanding more from corporate companies. Social impact in business development is continuing to climb in the coming years and CEO's are taking notice in a big way.
Creating a Sense of Purpose with Social ImpactIt started as a slow rumble over the past couple of years, but has increasingly become more mainstream for CEOs to identify ways to become publicly engaged in the conversations that are taking place in our current political, environmental, and social climate. It has also become apparent that these conversations are not meaningful or valuable if the company is not investing in its own employees well-being and the overall potential for increasing the greater good.
Social impact is at the top of the priority list this year as 77% of business leaders are now looking at how to engage employees with community giving.
In fact, this social impact has become so consequential that it made an appearance front and center in Blackrock’s letter to CEO’s. It’s a topic we love and take part in, so we’ve gathered a few of our favorite articles on social impact to share below.
- Harvard BR: The New CEO Activists
- Forbes: Rise of the Social Enterprise: A New Paradigm for Business
- Sorensen Impact Center: The Social Impact Revolution is Here
The Sorensen Impact article places social impact in the context of a revolutionary wave of companies leading the way to solve real-world social problems.
“Multiple sectors are finding more and more reason to work together in the wake of the social impact revolution, each looking to play a role in the broader arena of improving people’s lives. With a profusion of expertise and energy rallying around social impact, we may be amidst a more abundant harvest — one that finally nurtures solutions to our urgent social challenges.”
As the Rise of the Social Enterprise discusses the shift away from being just a “company” to more of an “institution,” customers, stakeholders, communities, business partners, and employees all have an enormous impact on a company’s brand, growth, and profitability. Being a “social enterprise” means going beyond a focus on revenue and profit and clearly understanding that we operate in an ecosystem, and all these relationships are equally important.
Workforce trends have changed dramatically over the last 20 years and even more so over the last 5 years.
Companies are now in a unique position to help manage an entire generation of employee well-being and healthy work environments far beyond health insurance and standard benefits.
There is a push for greater responsibility to employees, to communities where they operate, and to social conversations as a whole. The CEO can give it a voice, but the employees can really bring the impact.
It’s an exciting time for platforms that partner companies and employees with healthy lifestyle challenges and real world charitable impact. The trend is clear, one of the best ways to fuel purpose and meaningfulness is through employee engagement programs that provide opportunities for impact and volunteering.
“Without a sense of purpose, no company, either public or private, can achieve its full potential. It will ultimately lose the license to operate from key stakeholders.” – Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock
About MaximusLife
For corporate wellness to become a part of everyday life it needs to connect to a bigger purpose that cash incentives and gift cards cannot provide alone. MaximusLife’s charity rewards system makes it simple, automatic and fun for employees to create real global impact with charities through your existing wellness program. MaximusLife connects healthy lifestyle choices & physical activity tracking directly with 2M+ charities. Employees automatically convert points or activity to real world social impact for a charity you choose.
About CoreHealth Technologies
CoreHealth Technologies Inc. is a leading all-in-one corporate wellness platform trusted by wellness providers to power their health and wellbeing programs for 3+ million employees worldwide. At CoreHealth, we believe that developing the best employee wellness programs is all about giving providers the right code, design and access to best-in-class innovations. With the most customization, integrations and reliability of any software in its class, CoreHealth’s powerful platform lets users focus on growing great wellness companies. For more information, visit the CoreHealth website.

About The Author
Bridget Sobieraj
Bridget Sobieraj is the Community Manager at MaximusLife, a partner of CoreHealth. MaximusLife's enterprise platform engages employees and corporate teams directly in daily social impact using activity-based challenges, gift-matching, rewards and mobile volunteering. Our non-profit platform is the #1 activity-based fundraising platform used by brands, employees and charity champions. Live Great. Save Lives. Learn more at