Workplace Wellness Blog | CoreHealth Customer Success

Planning Ahead for Global Domination in Corporate Health and Wellness

Written by CoreHealth Marketing | Oct 11, 2016 10:20:00 PM

This is Part 9 of a 10-part Must Have blog series on: Global/Multi-lingual Capabilities

Maybe you have the necessary infrastructure to support unprecedented growth domestically, but are you planning for your eventual global domination? 

Are you prepared for the coming global employee wellness boom?

Perhaps that’s not in the immediate plans. However, the way health and wellness is expanding around the world, it may be wise to plan ahead so you don't get caught unprepared.

Global Wellness Market

SRI International, an independent, non-profit research firm, reports that the global wellness market is now worth $3.4 trillion!!! This means that health and wellness has become three times larger than the $1 trillion worldwide pharmaceutical industry!

The top two areas of growth since 2010 are:

  1. Healthy eating, nutrition and weight loss (108% increase to $276.5 billion)
  2. Preventative and personalized health (78% increase to $243 billion)

Of the global markets, China (unsurprisingly) and Brazil are showing the greatest growth in health and wellness. Russia is leading the way in the European market with a total health and wellness sector valued at $11.2 billion USD (in 2009). The global growth doesn’t show any signs of slowing down, and is an opportunity that keen wellness providers should consider.

Think Ahead and Plan for Global Health and Wellness

With all this potential in the worldwide marketplace, it’s important to think and plan ahead. A corporate health and wellness program should have multi-language, global capabilities even if global expansion isn’t in your immediate plans.

Let’s consider an analogy that demonstrates why infrastructure and thinking/planning ahead should be top of mind.

It's Complicated & Expensive to Change

Perhaps you’re building a house. On that foundation you’ve planned several bedrooms - a master bedroom for you and your spouse and two for future children. You want multiple bathrooms, an office, dream kitchen, entertainment room and all the things to make a lovely home for your family.

After years of living in this home and forming strong bonds within your neighborhood, schools and community (so moving is NOT the preferred option), you recognize that your aging mom needs additional support and should come live with you – but where would she stay?

A basement suite would be perfect! However, the only way to add it at this point would be by lifting the home, rebuilding the foundation and digging. Agh! Sounds complicated and expensive! Wish you had thought of this in the first place!

Consider Employee Wellness Needs Now and in the Future 

Just like the house analogy, adding multi-language capabilities to your health and wellness programs means rebuilding the foundation of what you’ve created with new languages and possibly measuring in both imperial and metric. This can be a monumental task and incur huge expenses thereby preventing you from expanding into the global market.

A wellness program is never one-dimensional, and trying to patch on additional capabilities within those dimensions is an arduous task.

Choose Corporate Health & Wellness Technology that Makes Globalization Easy

As a Canadian company, CoreHealth Technologies offers a corporate wellness platform that contains multi-language capabilities and measurement in both metric and imperial that is so flexible it can be ‘switched on’ when it’s needed.

Canada has two official languages (French and English) which necessitated this PLUS we, being Canadian, may be metric but our neighbors down south (USA) are not (which is where many of our customers are located). We had to think and plan ahead to easily expand to the global marketplace – you should too.

This flexible infrastructure has enabled CoreHealth customers to deliver employee wellness programs to workforces around the world in additional languages such as Hebrew, Chinese and Spanish.

Make sure you have the forward thinking to establish your place in the global wellness market.

Are you Ready for Global Domination in Employee Wellness?

  • Yes? - We should talk…
  • Maybe, in the future – We should definitely talk…
  • Nah – are you sure? What happens when your client acquires an international company that you need to include in your health and wellness programs? If the answer is still Nah, don’t say we didn’t warn you! But, if you changed your mind, book a demo and let’s talk.

About CoreHealth

CoreHealth Technologies Inc. is the leading corporate wellness platform trusted by more than 1000 organizations, ranging from medium-sized businesses to Fortune 500 enterprises. At CoreHealth, we believe that developing the best employee wellness programs is all about giving wellness companies the right code, design and access to the latest innovations. With the most customization, integrations and reliability of any software in its class, CoreHealth’s powerful platform lets users focus on growing great companies. For more information, explore the CoreHealth website